Buy a book from our collection and receive a free Ticket-Voucher to visit us!

Terms and Conditions


The LIVRARIA LELLO brand, as well as the website (hereafter referred to as the LIVRARIA LELLO website) are the exclusive property of Livraria Lello, S.A. (hereafter, the Company), registered in the Company Registry Office of Oporto under registration and fiscal tax identification number 530352217, with share capital of €80,000.00 with its headquarters at Rua das Carmelitas, 144, in Oporto, 4150-161.
- Email:
- Telephone: +351 222 002 037 


USER: the person who accessed the LIVRARIA LELLO website even if not yet registered.

REGISTERED USER: an individual person or collective entity that accessed the LIVRARIA LELLO website and registered to access the ONLINE STORE and acquire products and/or services from the Company, to subscribe to the Company Newsletter, to go on virtual visits of LIVRARIA LELLO and to participate in quizzes and other initiatives promoted by the Company.

USERNAME (NAME OF USER): the identification of the REGISTERED USER. 

PASSWORD (WORD OF ACCESS): the key access your own account and the area reserved to the REGISTERED USER, their readings and exclusive responsibilities.

ONLINE STORE: reserved space on the LIVRARIA LELLO website where any REGISTERED USER may access a list and all the related information to the products and services made available by the Company (LELLO PRODUCTS AND SERVICES), and where they may proceed with their online acquisition.

LELLO PRODUCTS/SERVICE: goods and services of different types provided via the LIVRARIA LELLO website, including those on retail sale in the ONLINE STORE.

CLIENT RESERVED AREA: a reserved area on the LIVRARIA LELLO website that details all the background to the user relationship with the Company and to which the latter does not have any access, whether directly or indirectly through My account.


The current Terms and Conditions (hereafter, TCs) serve to regulate the ordering and acquisition through electronic means and on behalf of REGISTERED USERS of LELLO PRODUCTS AND SERVICES published and made available through the LIVRARIA LELLO website, and their sale and delivery, on behalf of the Company, to CLIENTS, producing effects in keeping with the stipulations of Portuguese law and, in particular, with Decree Law no. 24/2014 of 14 February that regulates contracts signed remotely and specifically in the case of relevant pre-contractual information. The TCs furthermore define the Privacy Policy for access, navigation and utilisation of the LIVRARIA LELLO website. 

The Company reserves the right, at all time and without any prior notification, to make changes and alterations to the LELLO PRODUCTS AND SERVICES and their respective prices, released and commercialised through its website.

Please read the current TCs closely prior to accessing the LIVRARIA LELLO website, specifically to purchase LELLO PRODUCTS AND SERVICES, to subscribe to the Company Newsletter, to make virtual visits to LIVRARIA LELLO, as well as to participate in games, quizzes and other initiatives staged by the Company.

Access, navigation and utilisation of the LIVRARIA LELLO website and the ONLINE STORE are to be free for REGISTERED USERS, with the Company duly assuming that the latter have read, understood and fully accepted these TCs without any reservations. This acceptance is duly demonstrated in clicking agreement to any registration request by the LIVRARIA LELLO WEBSITE, for ordering and acquiring the LIVRARIA LELLO PRODUCTS AND SERVICES, subscribing to the Newsletter or participating in the games, quizzes and other events staged by the Company.

The current TCs and, specifically, all of the contractual information herein provided, come both in Portuguese and in English. Nevertheless, the Portuguese version takes precedent for all legal intents and purposes, especially as regards the interpretation and resolution of any shortcomings in the TCs and litigation arising from their application.  



In this reserved area on the LIVRARIA LELLO website, the REGISTERED USER gains access to the following PRODUCTS AND SERVICES that may be acquired online:
  • Books
  • Merchandising
The public sale prices for books and merchandising articles in the ONLINE STORE are equal to those available in the Company’s physical store (LIVRARIA LELLO).
The ONLINE STORE catalogue does not include the totality of the books and the merchandising articles on sale in the Company’s physical outlet (LIVRARIA LELLO).
  • Ticket-vouchers 
The Ticket-vouchers are TICKETS for access to the physical space and/or virtual environment of LIVRARIA LELLO, according to the different typologies and costs as detailed below:
  • Ticket-voucher  
This may be acquired by those aged over four (inclusive), with an associated cost of €8 that is entirely deductible against the purchase of a book inside the physical space of LIVRARIA LELLO. 

Note: This deduction does not apply to the purchase of merchandising and similar.
This type of Ticket-voucher, contrary to the others, does not endow priority access to the physical space of LIVRARIA LELLO. 
  • Infant ticket-voucher 
Adults accompanied by children aged up to and including 3 years should obtain from the LIVRARIA LELLO website and display, on their entrance to LIVRARIA LELLO, a Child ticket-voucher. Whenever requested by Company staff, they should also be able to present official proof of the infant’s age. 
The issuing of this Ticket-voucher type does not incur any associated cost.
  • Book ticket-voucher 
This Ticket-voucher type is for those aged four and over with its acquisition involving the immediate choice of one of the books selected by the Company for this purpose, and which may be subject to alteration at any moment whenever the Company so desires. The cost of this Ticket voucher varies in accordance with the book chosen. In the event of product unavailability, Livraria Lello guarantees the replacement of the book with another of equal value from The Collection. In the case of choosing a product with higher value, the difference will be borne by the customer.
  • Guest ticket-voucher 
This type of Ticket-voucher is automatically issued whenever making the purchase of one or more books from the ONLINE STORE. Note: the acquisition of merchandising articles does not result in any Ticket-voucher gift.

With the acquisition of the book and at the time of the purchase, the CLIENT may opt for a Ticket-Voucher guest for either the physical or the virtual environments of LIVRARIA LELLO.

In the case of the option for a physical visit, this should be undertaken within a period of one year with the CLIENT always having to reserve the date chosen for their visit with a minimum period of notification of no less than 24 hours.

Should the CLIENT opt for a virtual visit, they shall then receive via email a link via which they may access the LIVRARIA LELLO bookstore throughout a period of 8 (calendar) days. Each link may only be used once. 
  • Membership Card
The Company also provides a personal and non-transferable annual card in two different formats:

Individual Membership Card: €50 (Valid for 1 adult cardholder + 1 accompanying person, adult or child)

Family Membership Card : €75 (Valid for 1 adult cardholder + 1 accompanying person + 2 minors under 18 years old)

This card always enables priority access to the LIVRARIA LELLO physical environment, accompanied personally by one of the Company’s booksellers and as well as privileged access under certain conditions to events staged by the Company, such as book launching autograph sessions, conversations with authors, commemorations, evening events and others.

The cost of the card is deductible against the purchase of books.

The card is to be presented at the entrance to the LIVRARIA LELLO bookstore in conjunction with some other personal identification document.
The ticket-vouchers are always to be shown to Company staff at the entrance to the physical space of LIVRARIA LELLO, whether in a printed or digital (PDF open in a mobile device) format. Without this, access, whether priority or otherwise, is simply not possible. 

The Livraria Lello Membership Card is only available to residents in the Porto Metropolitan Area (municipalities of Arouca, Espinho, Gondomar, Maia, Matosinhos, Oliveira de Azeméis, Paredes, Porto, Póvoa de Varzim, Santa Maria da Feira, Santo Tirso, São João da Madeira, Trofa, Vale de Cambra, Valongo, Vila do Conde, Vila Nova de Gaia).


Beyond the ONLINE STORE, the Company also provides the following services via the LIVRARIA LELLO website:
  • Newsletter  
Subscription to the LIVRARIA LELLO Newsletter enables the receipt by email of complete and updated information about the respective programming.
  • Quizzes, games and other initiatives  
The participation in quizzes and other initiatives run by the Company depends on registration by the USER on the LIVRARIA LELLO website. See the “RULES OF REGISTRATION” below.    

The participation in quizzes, puzzles and other games does not depend on registration with the LIVRARIA LELLO website but does take place via a “landing page” that is, for such purposes, made available on the digital platform on which the respective event is promoted and where USERS should register for this specific purpose. See the “RULES OF REGISTRATION” below.  


The registration and contracting of LELLO PRODUCTS AND SERVICES are available only to legally aged adults under the applicable terms of legislation.
The contracting of LELLO PRODUCTS AND SERVICES in the ONLINE STORE, as well as the subscription to the newsletter and participation in quizzes and other Company activities (with the exception of online games) outside of the ONLINE STORE, is dependent on the prior registration by the USER with the LIVRARIA LELLO website.

For the purposes of setting up an account, the USER is to provide the following personal data:
  • Name
  • Date of birth 
  • Gender
  • Complete address (home address, including the postal code, city and country)
  • valid email address, which should also be your main address as this is the destination for sending all communications vital to the contracting of LELLO PRODUCTS AND SERVICES and participating in quizzes and other Company initiatives  
  • Telephone contact
  • Taxation number (not compulsory) 
The USER should also create their respective USERNAME and PASSWORD that needs to respect the criteria for complexity and be unique, personal and non-transferable. The appropriate use and conservation of these details is the exclusive responsibility of the REGISTERED USER. 

The participation in Company run competitions and games takes place through a “landing page” which is provided on the digital platforms for promoting the competition to this end and where the USER is to duly register. To this end, the “name” and “email address” and eventually a “telephone contact” (not compulsory) are requested.

The REGISTERED USER should provide appropriate data and not submit false identities, holding total and exclusive responsibility for any inaccuracies or shortcomings in such information resulting in the services due for provision not taking place according to the expected terms.

Following registration with the LIVRARIA LELLO website, the REGISTERED USER shall receive a message of confirmation from the Company at the email address provided.

Should you later wish to restore your PASSWORD and having notified the access page of your personal account to this end, you shall then receive a new message in your email with the information requested.  

In the personal account, REGISTERED USERS gain access to the details of their relationships with the Company, even while the latter does not have such access whether directly or indirectly.

  • Access, within the LIVRARIA LELLO website, to the STORE menu.
  • Select the desired LELLO PRODUCT or SERVICE.
The selection of LELLO PRODUCTS AND SERVICES is carried out in real time. The photographs of the PRODUCTS available on the LIVRARIA LELLO website are as faithful as possible to reproducing the products exactly as they are. In the case of PRODUCTS and considering that some are of artisan manufacture (e.g., classical books), there may be some slight differences between the photographic record and the PRODUCT itself whether by virtue of the type of raw materials used or the very production process of the PRODUCT.

Did you select Books or Merchandising Articles? 
  • LIVRARIA LELLO PRODUCTS are presented with their respective pictures, descriptions and costs.
  • After clicking on “Add to My Basket”, the LIVRARIA LELLO PRODUCT is then added to your purchase list.
  • After having selected all the LIVRARIA LELLO LELLO PRODUCTS you intend to acquire, click on the button “End Ordering”. 
  • You shall then be requested to indicate the means of delivery for the PRODUCT(S) ordered.
Allow for a maximum delivery time of five working days for European Union member states. The deadlines may vary for other countries. The costs associated with delivery also vary in accordance with the weight of the order and the destination country, calculations that are made automatically on the act of purchasing in accordance with the CLIENT supplied details.  
  • Please then indicate whether the PRODUCT delivery address is the same as that for the invoice/receipt.
  • Whenever this is not the case, you will then be requested for the details for the invoice/receipt, thus the name of either an individual or a company, an address and the respective personal or collective taxation number.
  •  Subsequently, the menu will display your order with a list of the PRODUCTS acquired (and when books accompanied by the special “Guest Ticket voucher” offer), with the respective picture, description, eventual discounts, VAT rates, transport costs, and the means of payment and delivery for the PRODUCTS selected.
  • Before advancing with your payment, please verify and confirm the order data.
  • The CLIENT is entirely responsible for verifying the details of the order are correct.
  • Then, select the means of payment from those available.
CLIENTS may opt for any of the following means:
  • Debit Card
  • Visa Credit Card
  • MasterCard Credit Card
  • MB WAY
Should you opt to pay by credit card, the payment total will be deducted and the order processed on receipt of payment authorisation. 
  • After making payment, you will receive in your email inbox a message from the Company ( providing confirmation of the purchase made, accompanied by the Guest Ticket-voucher (should you have purchased a book), the respective invoice (should you have requested this) and the PRODUCT delivery details.   
  • Later, you will receive further information in your email inbox about the delivery phase of your PRODUCTS.
Did you select Ticket-vouchers? 

Specifically in relation to the Ticket-vouchers (hereafter referred to as PRODUCTS/SERVICES), their acquisition involves the following steps:
  • The LELLO PRODUCT/SERVICE is presented alongside its respective picture, description and cost.
  • After selecting “Add to my basket”, the LELLO PRODUCT/SERVICE is then added to your Shopping List.
  • After having selected all the LELLO PRODUCT(S)/SERVICE(S) required, please click on the button “End Order”.
  • Then select the desired day for the visit. The REGISTERED USER may change the scheduled date in his reserved area, subject to availability. 
  • You then need to provide your data for the invoice/receipt; thus your name and address and the respective taxation identification number; whether personal or for your Then, your menu will display a list of the PRODUCTS/SERVICES acquired alongside their respective picture, description, eventual discounts, VAT rates payable, and the means of payment selected.
  • Prior to advancing with payment, please verify and confirm your order details.
  • CLIENTS are entirely responsible for verifying the contents of their orders.
  • Select the means of payment from among those available.
CLIENT may make payments via: 
  • Debit Card
  • Visa Credit Card
  • MasterCard Credit Card
  • MB WAY
Should you opt to pay by credit card, the payment total will be debited after authorisation of the payment. 
  • After advancing with your payment, you will receive an email in your inbox from the Company ( with confirmation of the purchase made accompanied by the Ticket-voucher(s) that you need to present to ensure your physical entrance into LIVRARIA LELLO, whether in a printed or digital format (PDF opened on a mobile device), as a condition for access.   
The Ticket-vouchers also remain equally available in the CLIENT’S personal area in conjunction with the documents detailing the transaction. Access your reserved area via "MY ACCOUNT" and then click on "My Orders".


Right to Free Resolution 
The CLIENT may proceed with the return of already acquired and paid for PRODUCTS and/or bring about the cancellation of already contracted and scheduled SERVICES (e.g., visits to the LIVRARIA LELLO physical space), hence, exercising your right to free resolution within a period of 14 calendar days, without needing to provide any motive/justification. 

The deadline for exercising the right to free resolution expires after 14 days subsequent to: 
  • the day following contractual agreement in the case of exclusively contracting/purchasing Ticket-vouchers. The contract is deemed agreed when the CLIENT advances with payment of the Ticket-voucher(s) acquired in the ONLINE STORE and receives a message confirming the transaction from the Company via email with the Ticket-voucher(s) annexed  
  • the day when the CLIENT or a third party indicated by the CLIENT, with the exception of the transporter, takes physical possession of the Livraria Lello PRODUCTS
On exercising the right to resolution, the CLIENT will be reimbursed for the payments made without any undue delay and, in any case, no later than 14 days counting from the date when the CLIENT informs the Company of the resolution decision. 

Reimbursements ae made according to the same means of payment that the CLIENT opted for with the CLIENT furthermore incurring no costs as a consequence of this reimbursement payment. 

NOTE: when the CLIENT advances with the return of a book and, still within the period of free resolution eligibility, but having already benefitted from the associated Ticket-voucher, thus visiting the physical or virtual environment of LIVRARIA LELLO, the Company is then owed the amount of € 5 corresponding to the cost of the entrance ticket, with this amount compensated for within the total sum returned.

In order to exercise their right of free resolution, CLIENTS must communicate their decision to the Company, clearly and unequivocally, by email to the following address:

You must also expressly state your NAME, POSTAL ADDRESS, TELEPHONE CONTACT, the purchased PRODUCT(s) and/or SERVICE(s) for which you wish to exercise the right of free contractual resolution and attach the invoice related to the purchase. 

Although it is not compulsory, the CLIENT may use the model resolution form available here:

Your notice of free resolution must be sent before the end of the resolution period. 
Rules for the return of LIVRARIA LELLO PRODUCTS in case of Free Contractual Resolution
  • From the date of communicating the decision to terminate the contract, CLIENTS hava a period of 14 days to return or deliver the Product(s) to Company, and must do so to the following address: 
Livraria Lello
Logistics Department 
Rua das Carmelitas, 144
4050-161 Porto – Portugal
  • It is up to the CLIENT to bear the cost of returning the LIVRARIA LELLO PRODUCTS:
  • CLIENTS must also maintain the LIVRARIA LELLO PRODUCTS in a way that allows for their return in proper conditions of usage,
  • Without infringement on the rights of CLIENTS to inspect the type, characteristics and operation of the LELLO PRODUCT with due care, the CLIENT may be held responsible for the depreciation of the PRODUCT should this handling exceed that normally accepted within a commercial establishment context,
  • The PRODUCT(S) must be delivered together with the respective accessories, including the original packaging and labels.
Returns due to defect or lack of PRODUCT conformity

When CLIENTS wish to return a Product due to defects or a lack of conformity, they must report it to the Company's Customer Support service, making recourse to the form provided for this purpose in the RESERVED AREA. For this purpose, the CLIENTS shall indicate the number of their order and describe the defect or lack of conformity detected. 

The warranty periods for the PRODUCTS and for reporting defects or any lack of conformity are those stipulated by the applicable legislation, whether relative to purchase and sale contracts signed between the Company and end consumers, or those signed between the Company and natural or legal entities exercising their respective activities. In any such case, the costs incurred with the return or collection of LELLO PRODUCTS, within the legally established warranty period, shall be borne by the Company. 

Upon the Company taking receipt of the PRODUCT, the due technical verification process will be carried out and, when proving the lack of conformity, the Company will proceed with the refund through the same means of payment as the CLIENT applied in the initial contract with the CLIENT incurring no costs as a result of any such refund.

The Company is also obliged to make such refunds, via the same payment channel as used by the CLIENT and without any cost to the latter, whenever it is proven that the defect or lack of conformity arises from a problem that occurred during transport of the PRODUCT. This does not affect the Company's right of recourse in relation to the carrier that may be declared responsible.

Whenever the technical verification process results in the lack of conformity due to misuse and/or poor handling, maintenance or conservation (e.g., in conditions of excessive humidity) attributable to the CLIENT, there shall be no replacement of the PRODUCT nor its dispatch by the Company to the CLIENT. The CLIENT shall be contacted by the Client Service to collect the PRODUCT directly.


REGISTERED USERS may decide at any time to cancel their subscription to the Company's Newsletter. To do so, they should select the "Unsubscribe" option included in all emails and other communications from the Company and complete the respective instructions.

  • The breach of any of the Terms and Conditions by REGISTERED USERS determines the unilateral and immediate cancellation of the respective account by the Company without right to reimbursement of any amounts paid, and without prejudice to any civil or other liability of the REGISTERED USER and the duty to compensate for damages caused when, under the terms of the legislation in effect, these stem from facts imputable to the REGISTERED USER.
  • Any attempts to alter the information contained on the LIVRARIA LELLO website, or any other action that may cause damage and/or put the integrity of the system at risk, are strictly prohibited and constitute cause for the unilateral and immediate cancellation of the account by the Company, without any right to reimbursement for any amounts already paid and without prejudice to any civil or other liability; REGISTERED USERS are obliged to comply with the applicable legislation, particularly as regards computer/online crime, and are solely responsible for any such infringements.
  • The Company may also proceed to cancel an account or withhold amounts paid by REGISTERED USERS on account of an order issued by a judicial, administrative or other authority competent under the terms of the legislation in force, without the Company incurring any liability or duty to indemnify or compensate. 
  • REGISTERED USERS must abstain from introducing, storing or spreading through the LIVRARIA LELLO site illicit, defamatory, obscene, injurious, and/or xenophobic contents in addition to all those that violate the general principles of law and public order.
  • REGISTERED USERS may request the cancellation of their account electronically; thus, by sending an email to the following Company address:
  • The account cancellation request does not affect PRODUCTS and/or SERVICES already contracted and paid for, which remain subject to the contract resolution regime. For further details, please see: "RETURN OF ALREADY PURCHASED PRODUCTS OR CANCELLATION OF ALREADY CONTRACTED AND PAID FOR SERVICES IN THE ONLINE STORE (Right of Free Resolution)”.
  • The Company cannot be held responsible for damages of any kind caused to REGISTERED USERS resulting from the occurrence of circumstances of force majeure or otherwise unforeseeable, specifically the overloading of the IP network or the systems on which the LIVRARIA LELLO website operates, potentially generating interruptions, delays or loss of information.
  • In case of interruptions, whether due to the unpredictable overload of the systems on which the LIVRARIA LELLO website operates or because the Company deems it necessary and/or convenient to optimise the browsing experience and/or improve connectivity conditions through remotely reformulating the network settings, the Company undertakes to regularise its operations as soon as possible.
  • The LIVRARIA LELLO website contains links to third party websites made available solely for the USER's convenience. The Company neither endorses nor is responsible for the content of the same, with their access and navigation the exclusive responsibility of the USER.


Communications with REGISTERED USERS related to the availability and/or electronic marketing of LELLO PRODUCTS AND SERVICES may be carried out either through the LELLO BOOKSTORE WEBSITE itself or by telephone, email or post via the telephone, email and mail addresses provided to REGISTERED USERS in their registration process and when ordering LELLO PRODUCTS AND SERVICES.


REGISTERED USERS may submit requests for information and present complaints related to the use of the LIVRARIA LELLO website, for all the purposes contained in these Terms and Conditions, directly to the Company through the email address, which undertakes to reply within a maximum period of 15 days.

The complaint may also be submitted through the Electronic Complaints Book system available here:

Without prejudice to other guarantees provided for by the legislation in effect, in the event of any dispute, the consumer may also make recourse to:
the Dispute Mediation Body SMAC - Municipal Consumer Support Service: Citizens Office, Praça General Humberto Delgado, 266, 4049-001 Porto 
T. +351 222097091 (Ext. 3140) 
  • The Entity for Alternative Dispute Resolution of the Consumer Information and Arbitration Centre of Porto
Rua Damião de Góis, 31, Loja 6, 4050-225 Porto 
Tel. 225508349 
For further information, please also consult the Consumer Portal at


All software relating to the LIVRARIA LELLO website, as well as their contents, including texts, illustrations, images or audiovisuals, and also to the domain, trademarks and logo or associated logos and other distinctive signs are the property and for the exclusive usage of Company and as protected under the general terms of law and, where applicable, by national and international legislation for the protection of Copyright and Industrial Property Law. 
Reproduction for personal use is permitted, as well as the other free uses authorised by law, with any other uses subject to the prior written consent of the rights holder (the Company).

The intellectual property rights of some of the existing contents on the website and/or application may, however, belong to third parties and therefore prior written authorisation is always required for their usage, e.g., the reproduction of any of these contents for purposes other than private utilisation.